Smart Grid Publications

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By-subject quick links: [Awardee] [Control of Networks] [Data Centers] [Deadline Scheduling] [Demand Response] [Device Sizing] [Direct Current Networks] [Distributed Energy Adoption] [Distribution Circuit] [Electric Vehicle Charging] [Electricity Markets] [Electricity Rate Spiral] [Energy Storage] [Exact Relaxation] [Feeder Reconfiguration] [Incentive Compatibility] [Large Deviations] [Load Control] [Market Power] [Network Economics] [Networking] [Nonlinear Systems] [Optimal Control] [Optimal Power Flow] [PV Adoption] [Power Distribution] [Power System Control] [Power Systems] [Pricing Mechanisms] [Renewable Energy] [Second-Order Cone Relaxation] [Smart Grid] [Sustainable IT] [VAR Control] [Voltage Control]

Selected publication venues

Proceedings of ACM Greenmetrics
Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics
[23] [24] [46] [61]
Proceedings of ACM e-Energy
Proceedings of Allerton
[37] [57] [63] [71] [72]
Proceedings of American Control Conference
[13] [50] [51] [74]
Proceedings of CIGRE USNC Grid of the Future Symposium
Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Proceedings of IEEE CDC
[14] [15] [19] [21] [28] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [47] [58] [59] [68] [70]
Proceedings of IEEE IGCC
Proceedings of IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
[40] [52] [53] [54] [56] [69]
Proceedings of IEEE SmartGridComm Conference
[55] [64] [65] [66] [67] [73]
Proceedings of IFAC World Congress
Proceedings of Infocom Workshop on Smart Data Pricing

Energy Policy
[35] [41]
IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
[4] [11] [27]
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
[3] [5] [16] [18] [42] [43] [44] [49]
Power Systems Computation Conference
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review
[36] [38]